The mp3 Encoder cannot be distributed because of the legal licence terms, but
you can create the Encoder with some simple instructions which are included in
the archive as docs/HowToCreateEncoder.lha.

    CISC (the author of Amiga Port o' LAME) has made a special utility called
    LAMESpin. It will automagically create SecondSpin compatible executable
    of compiled LAME executables. If you're bored of wandering in da net to
    find SecondSpin_encoders, just recompile LAME or download it from official
    amiga sites and use LAMESpin!

    LAMESpin can be found from SecondSpin:external_commands/LAMESpin

    Then copy the "SecondSpin_Encoder" file to "SecondSpin:external_commands/" and
    mp3 modes will be enabled!


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