Last Update:22-Feb-2005

.. once upon a time there used to be a place of the most excellent hamburgers ever. Tasty and cheap with real attitude.

Carrols restaurants were originally an American food chain, which was franchised to Finland in the middle of 70's. Eventually it stopped operating in the US.

In Finland, the biggest rival of Carrols, Hesburger (what a stupid name indeed) acquired Carrols properties and trade marks in a business sale in 2002. Almost all of them was converted to Hesburgers.

The remaining Carrols restaurants are pretty lame - bad food, service and substandard ingredients. But sometimes they deliver the same classic taste we love.

Too bad. I really digged Carrols. Luckily, you can still sometimes get Clubburgers from the Hesburger restaurants all over Finland. Let's hope for better.

Lauri Ahonen.

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